Information and Learning Resources

This webpage provides the information you’ll need to get registered for classes, connected to required technology, and learn successfully online.

Table of Contents

On This Page:

About Colorado Online

Colorado Online gives you access to a wide range of online courses that might not be available at your home college. It opens up opportunities for students from any of the 13 Community Colleges of Colorado. Use Colorado Online to fill a gap in your schedule with a needed class or pursue a fully online degree that you can access from anywhere.

Whenever possible, you’ll be matched with an online course taught by an instructor from your college. Not yet enrolled at a Colorado Community College System (CCCS) college? Apply to any of the 13 colleges to get started with Colorado Online courses. Already a student? You can choose from any available Colorado Online course.

Need help or Not Sure What to Do?  

If you’re unsure of your next step or have any questions, our Online Success Liaisons are here to guide you.

Can’t find the answer in your syllabus or these resources? Reach out to the Online Success Liaisons for support at

How to Find and Register for Online Classes

Are you having trouble finding the class you need at your college? Or maybe the sections are full? If you prefer the flexibility of online learning, Colorado Online can help you learn at your own pace.

Explore available courses, then register through your home college.

  • Search for classes 
  • Register through your home college 

Key Academic Dates

The key dates for Colorado Online courses may differ from other formats like in-person or hybrid classes at your home college. To review those dates, visit your home college’s academic calendar.

POTWeeksStart DateEnd DateLast Day to AddCensus DateWithdraw DateGrades DueCensus Day of the WeekWithdraw Day of the Week
POTWeeksStart DateEnd DateLast Day to AddCensus DateWithdraw DateGrades DueCensus Day of the WeekWithdraw Day of the Week
POTWeeksStart DateEnd DateLast Day to AddCensus DateWithdraw DateGrades DueCensus Day of the WeekWithdraw Day of the Week
POTWeeksStart DateEnd DateLast Day to AddCensus DateWithdraw DateGrades DueCensus Day of the WeekWithdraw Day of the Week
CZ21027-May-25 3-Aug-25 29-May-25 5-Jun-25 22-Jul-25 6-Aug-25 ThuTue
CZ4716-Jun-25 3-Aug-25 18-Jun-25 23-Jun-25 24-Jul-25 6-Aug-25 MonThu
POTWeeksStart DateEnd DateLast Day to AddCensus DateWithdraw DateGrades DueCensus Day of the WeekWithdraw Day of the Week
CZ11518-Aug-25 7-Dec-25 20-Aug-25 3-Sep-25 13-Nov-25 10-Dec-25 WedThu
CZ21022-Sep-25 7-Dec-25 24-Dec-25 2-Oct-25 21-Nov-25 10-Dec-25 ThuFri
CZ4718-Aug-255-Oct-25 20-Au-25 25-Aug-25 25-Sep-25 8-Oct-25 MonThu
CZ5713-Oct-25 7-Dec-25 15-Oct-25 20-Oct-25 1-Dec-2510-Dec-25 MonMon
POTWeeksStart DateEnd DateLast Day to AddCensus DateWithdraw DateGrades DueCensus Day of the WeekWithdraw Day of the Week
CZ11520-Jan-26 10-May-26 22-Jan-26 4-Feb-26 16-Apr-26 13-May-26 WedThu
CZ21023-Feb-26 10-May-25 25-Feb-265-Mar-2624-Apr-26 13-May-26 Thu
CZ4720-Jan-26 8-Mar-26 22-Jan-26 26-Jan-2626-Feb-26 11-Mar-26 MonThu
CZ5723-Mar-26 10-May-26 25-Mar-26 30-Mar-26 30-Apr-26 13-May-26 MonThu

When is the Last Day to Drop or Withdraw from a Colorado Online Class?  

To stay on top of important dates for your online courses, check out the Colorado Online Academic Calendar below.

  • Start Dates
    Be aware of when your online classes begin, as there are different start dates for 15-week, 10-week, early 7-week, and late 7-week courses.
  • Census Date
    Ensure you’re academically engaged before the census date, or you may be dropped from the class.
  • Spring/Fall Break
    Follow the Spring or Fall break schedule of your home college, even if your course is taught by another institution.
  • Last Day of Class
    The last day of class for online courses depends on the part of term, such as 15-week or early 7-week. Check the Academic Calendar or your class syllabus to find the last day of class for each online course you take.

Course Materials

Course materials are essential for your success in a course and may be required for participation and completion. These materials can include:

  • Hardcopy textbooks
  • eBooks or eTexts
  • Publisher platforms
  • Open educational resources
  • Lab kits
  • Access codes
  • Handouts
  • Zero-text-cost materials

Be sure to check your course syllabus to know which materials are required. Your instructors should provide a syllabus for each course—a downloadable document, a link to an online version, or both. If they do not share a syllabus and you cannot find one in your online course, send them a message and ask for it

Visit the Student Course Materials Dashboard to find out what materials you need for each Colorado Online course. Here’s how different types of materials are provided or purchased:

  • Hardcopy textbooks can be purchased through your home college’s bookstore or another source.
  • eTexts are covered by your course fee, so no additional purchase is needed.
  • Access to publisher platforms is also included in your course fee.
  • Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely available, so there is no cost to you.
  • Lab kits are provided through your course fee, with no extra purchase required. For more details, refer to the Lab Kit FAQ.
  • Student access codes, if required, must be purchased separately.

Successful Online Learning

Online learning offers incredible flexibility, but it also requires a unique set of skills to succeed. Without the structure of in-person classes, staying on track can be challenging. By focusing on key areas like time management, communication, and building connections with classmates, you can make the most of your online education.

Below are some essential tips to help you thrive as an online student, whether you’re learning from your computer or on the go.

To ensure a smooth and effective online learning experience, it’s important that your device meets the minimum technical requirements for D2L.

View full Computer System and Device Requirements for D2L

CategoryRecommended Specifications
Operating SystemsWindows 7 or later, macOS X v10.7 or later
BrowsersLatest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge
Screen ResolutionAt least 1024 x 768
Internet Speed56K or higher (broadband recommended for video content)

To excel in your online courses, keep developing these key skills:

  • Time Management
    • In online learning, you may not get regular reminders for deadlines. Plan time in your schedule for each course to review materials, such as textbooks or lectures, and complete assignments before the due date.
  • Communication
    • Reach out to your instructor whenever you have questions about the course, the online platform (D2L), materials, or the subject itself.
    • If something in your life affects your studies, inform your instructor as soon as possible to get the support or accommodations you need.
  • Building Connections
    • At the start of the course, exchange contact details with a few classmates to help each other with questions.
    • If you don’t have a study group yet, create a post in your class to organize one.

D2L Brightspace makes it easy to stay connected to your coursework while on the go. For detailed information on using Brightspace’s mobile features, check out the Brightspace by D2L Mobile Overview.

Here are a few tips to enhance your mobile learning experience:

  • Use the right device
    • While D2L works on smartphones and tablets, you’ll have a smoother experience on devices that meet technical requirements.
    • For more complex tasks, like submitting certain assignments, using a laptop or desktop is recommended.
  • Stay engaged
    • You can access most course materials and activities from your mobile device, but be sure to schedule time to complete tasks that may require a computer.
  • Plan ahead
    • Mobile access is perfect for quick check-ins or reviewing course content when you’re away from your computer. However, don’t rely solely on your mobile device for every aspect of your course.